Assessment for Children & Adolescents

Assessment for Children & Adolescents


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Preliminary Assessment and Administrative Procedures (Online/Offline for 30 minutes)

Initial Diagnostic Interview (1-2 hours)

Comprehensive Psychological Evaluation (6-8 hours)

Clinician Feedback (1 hour)

Comprehensive Psychological Evaluation Report (10-20 hours) 

Initial Diagnostic Interview for Children & Adolescents (2 hours)

An accurate diagnosis is the most crucial component in providing a child with the most suitable and effective clinical treatment service. Providing a scientifically valid diagnosis and identifying the core symptoms of the child require extensive clinical experience and qualification. Dr. Cho and his team pursue excellence in diagnosing and providing non-abrasive treatment recommendations for all children and adolescents who have ever come to the clinic for professional assistance. The initial screening test and diagnostic interview are designed to have a complete diagnostic picture of the child’s current states before creating an effective treatment plan. After the initial interview, we provide feedback to the child’s parents as well as consultation to school professionals, including counselors, teachers, and administrators with the parents’ consent. This interview process is also a part of the Comprehensive Psycho-educational Evaluation.

Comprehensive Psychological Evaluation for Children & Adolescents (30 – 40 hours)

We are proud to be a leading institution in conducting the Comprehensive Psychological Evaluation in both English and Korean. The evaluation is designed to assess and analyze the child’s cognitive and intellectual abilities as well as emotional/behavioral/developmental states. We then use its results and data to create evidence-based clinical treatment plan.

The Comprehensive Psychological Evaluation identifies not only the child’s current psychological struggles and symptoms, but also his or her current English language development and other academic states. The evaluation data plays a crucial role in guiding the clinicians to make scientifically informed decisions about creating an individualized clinical treatment plan that will help the child find the true happiness and fulfillment in life.

Since 2003, we have dedicated our expertise to helping students who are attending international schools or boarding schools around the world. We are grateful to see positive changes within these young clients and to receive deep appreciation from the parents and school professionals. We will continue to provide the best quality clinical practice and set the new standards in the field of psychotherapy.


Bilingual Comprehensive Psychological Evaluation of the Tree Group:

✔️ Provide feedback to parents and school professionals with parents’ written consent after the Comprehensive Psychological Evaluation.
✔️ Provide a copy of the Comprehensive Psychological Evaluation Report 4 to 8 weeks after all testing procedures are completed.

Comprehensive Psycho-educational Evaluation and Aptitude Assessment for International School Professionals

Recruiting students who have the potentials to achieve academic success is an important mission for school administrators and admission officers. It is crucial for these professionals to be aware of the new admits’ intellectual abilities, English proficiency, expected academic achievement at their school as well as neuro-psychological functioning, personality and emotional/behavioral states. At the Center for International Psychological Services of the Tree Group, we provide Comprehensive Psycho-educational Evaluation services for prospective students who plan to attend international or English-speaking schools. Our expertise in conducting bilingual evaluation, currently in English and Korean, assists the admission officers in making an informed decision before admitting a particular student. The evaluation data is also valuable for both the student and the parents to identify his or her strengths and weaknesses that should either be nurtured or compensated.


We also provide a comprehensive psycho-educational service to students who are struggling academically at international or English-speaking schools. It is not uncommon to observe that their academic struggles are related to delay in English language acquisition, learning disabilities, and diagnosable developmental or emotional issues. Particularly, if a child struggles in an ESL class for more than two years, we strongly recommend to take the Comprehensive Psycho-educational Evaluation to identify the core factors that have created such hurdle. Early identification of these factors and receiving an accurate diagnosis from a qualified bilingual clinician is critical. These information will then be communicated to schoolteachers who can make a sound teaching plan for the student.


As a clinical and psycho-educational institution, we aim to incorporate the latest psycho-educational research data into our treatment practice. It is our mission to assist parents and teachers with understanding the struggles which their child or student is going though so he or she can be successful at school.

Assessment for International School Professionals

Recruiting students who have the potentials to achieve academic success is an important mission for school administrators and admission officers. It is crucial for these professionals to be aware of the new admits’ intellectual abilities, English proficiency, expected academic achievement at their school as well as neuro-psychological functioning, personality and emotional/behavioral states.

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Comprehensive Psycho-educational Assessment

The Comprehensive Psycho-educational Evaluation identifies not only the child’s current psychological struggles and symptoms, but also his or her current English language development and other academic states. The evaluation data plays a crucial role in guiding the clinicians to make scientifically informed decisions about creating an individualized psycho-educational plan that will help the child find the true happiness and fulfillment in life.

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Bilingual Comprehensive Psycho-educational Evaluation System

Assessment on the English language development and learning ability: 


The Comprehensive Psycho-educational Evaluation provides an accurate analysis on the English language development and learning ability of children and adolescents who are preparing to move or study abroad to an English-speaking country as well as the most feasible academic guidance for them. This process is essential for parents or caregivers to be aware of how much their children can succeed academically in an English-speaking educational system and possibly prevent any emotional behavioral problems they may encounter when not provided with an appropriate learning environment.


Psychologist’s Report for Admissions to an English-speaking School:


The evaluation we conduct at our clinic provides a specialized assessment for students who plan to attend schools in English-speaking countries, including but not limited to the U.S. It helps comprehensively and scientifically identify a student’s personality, cognitive functioning, emotional strengths as well as academic potential and language and learning abilities; this information will then be shared with school professionals and admissions officers so they can have a holistic picture of the student’s intellectual ability, psychological preparedness, and English proficiency.


Assessment on Adaptability to a Multicultural Environment:


Transferring your ‘language mode’ to English is not easy especially for children. With the data from the Comprehensive Psycho-educational Evaluation, parents can learn in advance how much their child can adjust to an English-language environment and identify their child’s strengths and weaknesses in the areas of emotional, behavioral, linguistic, and academic functioning. If the data reveals serious factors that may hinder the child from immersing into the English language and its culture, then he or she will be recommended to receive the intensive bilingual/bicultural psycho-educational services from our clinic.


12th Fl. 90 Beobwon-ro Songpa-gu
Seoul, Republic of Korea


TUE – FRI : 10:00 AM-7:00 PM KST
SAT : 9:00 AM-6:00 PM KST
MON: Closed


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