School of Life, Active Learning Center ㅣPost

 ”I Can!” Series ㅣ Language & Neuropsychology ㅣ Autism Spectrum Story ㅣ  School of Life Bulletin

2023 Active Learning Winter Intensive Program

We invite parents and children who want to make small miracles through our 2023 Winter Intensive Program.
“Some parents with children who have language development and acquisition delays
and/or emotional and behavioral difficulties come to our clinic,
and they say that the number of medication is growing
but the children do not get better.

I have to calmly explain to them that the children will not get better immediately.
I have to explain that it takes time
because the children have developed secondary symptoms already
on top of their initial language or learning difficulties.

Our School of Life | Active Learning Center is a special place just for those children.
Accepting the child’s current conditions calmly,
developing and implementing neuropsychological routes to treat the developmental delay.

Some of the children who came to us are now looking forward to going to college.
They have completed college preparation which seemed impossible in the beginning.

We invite parents and children who want to make small miracles
through our 2023 Winter Intensive Program."
Yong Cho | Clinical Psychologist, the Tree Group / School of Life Active Learning Center

2023 Active Learning Winter Intensive Psycho-educational Program

When the bright, kind child who was exposed to English at birth came to the clinic for the first time, he did not answer other people’s questions and showed signs of depression. According to his comprehensive psycho-educational evaluation, his English development was delayed and he showed difficulties in phonemic awareness and phonetic recognition. 


School of Life – Active Learning Center’s team of clinicians developed individualized psycho-educational strategies and implemented them. Consequently, the child started being aware of the sounds of different letters and the word meaning. He no longer presents with a quiet voice. His loud, confident voice echoes in the clinic. He is now happily conversing with teachers and parents without avoiding challenges and continues to develop his own strategies like a hero.


The Tree Group’s Active Learning Programs aim to help children’s developmental, emotional, behavioral difficulties and to improve their learning behavior by stimulating their language acquisition. The ultimate goal is to evaluate the child’s difficulties through a comprehensive psycho-educational evaluation and to develop individualized behavioral strategies, so that the child can have the problem behaviors treated and acquire independent learning habits. If you are interested in the program, please find the details below. 

2022.12.13(Tue) ~ 2023.02.25(Sat) [11 weeks]


*The program period may vary depending on the child’s school or personal winter break schedule.



• 5 days per week from Tuesday – Saturday / 5 or 6 hours per day

• Weekly program schedule

   ➞ Clinical session: 1 hour (or more than 1 hour considering the child’s condition)

   ➞ Active Learning Center: 12-15 hours

   ➞ Self-studying sessions (ABCMM): 9-14 hours

   ➞ Total of 25-30 sessions per week



• Due: 2022.11.29 (Tue)

• Payment due date: 2022.12.06 (Tue)

• For more information: / 02-557-8823

• Online registration: 

If you would like to know more information about our Active Learning program, please check the links below. 


Website links:

School of Life – Active Learning Center Main Homepage


Active Learning Programs Choose


Active Learning Center Recent News

Yekyung Kim | Active Learning Coordinator, Active Learning Center / the Tree Group


Introduction to Memory

We often interchangeably use the two concepts: memory and learning. The two concepts are intimately intertwined, but they are of fundamental difference.

Working Memory Training Case Study

We would like to introduce a successful case of a child who has been a long-term participant of the “Working Memory Training, WMT” program offered at the Tree Group’s Active Learning Center.

12th Fl. 90 Beobwon-ro Songpa-gu
Seoul, Republic of Korea


TUE – FRI : 10:00 AM-7:00 PM KST
SAT : 9:00 AM-6:00 PM KST
MON: Closed


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