News & Story

@ Connect

Our Four Branches of Helping Hands

How will TREE relieve your suffering and change your future?

TREE Treatment Areas

“For the past decades, I have encountered people who experienced suffering.

Children and teenagers, women, and men, the rich and the poor, the young and the aged, blue-collared and white-collared, Christians, Buddhists and Muslims….

They taught me one very precious lesson; that is, as human beings, everyone suffers from their own limitations and that I am not an exception.

This lesson has become the foundation of the Tree Group’s psychological services,

and we believe that it is our calling to help people relieved from their pain and suffering with advanced psychological knowledge and treatment.”

Yong Cho, Ph.D.ㅣChief Psychologist, the Tree Group​

the Tree GroupㅣCore Values

Science & Compassion

The Tree Group was established on the belief that all children and adults deserve to experience psychological happiness and serenity and that they can be relieved from agony and suffering through the modern psychological research combined with genuine dedication of clinicians. With scientific rigor in one hand and deep compassion in another, the Tree Group is the place for those who need both hands.

The Path ㅣOur History since 2003

Pursuing the Best 

The path of Dr. Cho and his treatment team is the walk of people who are suffering. The four branches of the Tree Group; Center for International Psychological Services, DBT Center of Korea, School of LifeㅣActive Learning Center, the Tree Group Press are the four hands to help all of us who walk this unavoidable path.

Clinicians’ Expertise

Dedication & Enthusiasm

As a dedicated team of professional clinicians, we constantly ask ourselves: how do we best alleviate people’s psychological difficulties?

We value the importance of providing evidence-based treatments for people who are suffering and to guide them to find true inner happiness.

New Born Story ㅣ Breakthrough SeriesPsychology NOW

Remote Administration of the Comprehensive Psychological/Psycho-educational Evaluation

The International Psychological Services center of the Tree Group has been providing treatment services online; however, the comprehensive psychological/psycho-educational evaluation has been provided offline only as various assessment tools are needed to carry out the evaluation. Nevertheless, in times when travel is restricted and social distancing is necessary, the Tree

Dr. Yong Cho’s Pledge with Dr. Marsha Linehan

Give the Best DBT services for English and Korean Speaking Population in Korea.

DBT reduces the complex symptoms of emotion dysregulation and difficulties with managing impulsive behaviors.

It is a unique treatment that changes one’s personality and future by building new positive behavior patterns with new DBT behavioral skills.

LOU-22-01 EN DBT Post Contents

I had doubted the purpose of life when I had to tolerate the painful difficulties, although I understood that life cannot be always without obstacles.

LOU-22-01 EN DBT Post Contents

I had doubted the purpose of life when I had to tolerate the painful difficulties, although I understood that life cannot be always without obstacles.

Learning to love myself

I had doubted the purpose of life when I had to tolerate the painful difficulties, although I understood that life cannot be always without obstacles.

Dyscalculia – Part III: The Arithmetic Network

“While the functioning of the grey matter and white matter is essential for a successful arithmetical connection to be made, the dyscalculic brain shows anomalies of structure and activation in the parietal lobes.”

The function of Working Memory

Do “87 x 6” in your head. Most people would probably get the multiplication of 7 and 6 and at the same time store the number “4” on one side to later add it with the multiplication of 8 and 6.

School of Life – Spring Term Registration

Spring Term: 03.14 (Tue)

We are excited to start the Spring Term,
during which the individualized psycho-educational strategies
will help many children to overcome their difficulties
and start learning with a great joy

LOU-23-10 EN SOL Post Contents

Children who have difficulty with visual processing face problems with visual discrimination, visual memory, or visual closure of letters and words.

boy in white long sleeve shirt playing puzzle

My favourite place

“The Tree Group was my favourite place, I felt happy that I made new friends.”

Moment as it isㅣCommunity Speaks

photo of man wearing brown coat

Today, I went to work

“For the past 9 months, the DBT program helped me face things I simply endured, the part of me I avoided and did not look into during the process, the many wrong perspectives and my vulnerabilities.”

DBT KOREAㅣEducational Philosophy

2006년 시애틀에서 마샤 리네한 박사는
저에게 왜 DBT 치료와 교육을 한국에서 시작하려고 하는지
굳고 진지한 표정으로 물으셨습니다.
저의 진심을 직면시키는 선사의 엄중한 질문이었습니다.

지금도 그 분의 마음을 꿰뚫는 눈빛과 질문은,
제 마음을 마인드풀하고 투명하게 합니다.

한국에서도 미국과 같은 높은 수준의 DBT 치료를 통해 고통속에 있는 분들에게 새로운 삶의 희망을 주는 것. 그리고 이를 위해 인간애와 진정성을 겸비한 윤리적 DBT 치료전문가를 양성하는 것.

이 두가지 마음의 소원을 말씀드렸습니다. 투명하고 마인드풀한 마음에 대한 응답으로, 리네한 박사는 서울에 직접 방문하여 DBT Korea의 미션을 지원하고 한국의 전문가들을 교육하게 됩니다.

조용범 박사ㅣDBT 센터 한국본부 대표 심리학자

Be Mindful As It isㅣClinician's Moment

Our psychological services are not bound by geographical limitations

Voices, Sounds, and Internet.

Our psychological services, for children, adolescents and adults with various language and cultural backgrounds. 


The Tree Group, equipped with linguistic and cultural sensitivity, has been offering internet based online services since 2003.


From Seoul to Jeju,
Los Angeles to New York,
Jakarta to Hanoi,
and from Budapest to Berlin.


Our online psychological treatment breaks through the regional and time zone barriers. 


There is no geographical limits for our psychological services.

There are exciting news and stories at the Tree Group everyday. 


The stories of individuals with life changing moments through psychological treatments. 


The stories of individuals who have learnt to regulate their emotion and behavior through Dialectical Behavior Therapy.


The stories of children with developmental disorders having opportunities to learn and acquire skills, giving hope to their parents and families.

The Lounge shares these stories.


There are exciting news and stories at the Tree Group everyday. 


The stories of individuals with life changing moments through psychological treatments. 


The stories of individuals who have learnt to regulate their emotion and behavior through Dialectical Behavior Therapy.


The stories of children with developmental disorders having opportunities to learn and acquire skills, giving hope to their parents and families.

The Lounge shares these stories.


12th Fl. 90 Beobwon-ro Songpa-gu
Seoul, Republic of Korea


TUE – FRI : 10:00 AM-7:00 PM KST
SAT : 9:00 AM-6:00 PM KST
MON: Closed


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